Three Nutrition Tips for Improving Egg Quality

September 9, 2024
Post Author
Lauren Myers
Lauren Myers
Naturopathic Medical Graduate
Three Nutrition Tips for Improving Egg Quality

Egg quality plays a crucial role in determining the chances of a healthy pregnancy in couples trying to conceive; egg quality affects likelihood of conception & healthy pregnancy, health of the developing embryo, and risk of miscarriage (this goes for sperm quality too). It is a big part of the preconception conversation, especially in folks over 30 years old as this is where we see quality decline associated with age. 

While supplementation is certainly an important conversation to have with a Naturopathic Doctor, we can achieve a lot through nutrition. Research shows that those consuming a Mediterranean diet were 44% less likely to have difficulty conceiving (1). Using the Mediterranean diet as an evidence-based framework, here are ways you can improve egg quality with nutrition:

  1. Less meat, more fish & seafood. The Mediterranean Diet has great evidence extending from preconception nutrition to improving IVF outcomes. Consuming fish & seafood 3-4 times per week and reducing intake of red meats to 1-2 times per week is an excellent way to move toward a Mediterranean diet. Red meats include beef, pork, lamb. Focus on adding high protein fish & seafood like salmon, shrimp, halibut, haddock, scallops and tuna.
  2. Eat more berries & kiwis. Both are high in antioxidants & fiber. Antioxidants reduce the physical impacts of inflammation that can affect egg quality. Fiber rich foods help maintain stable blood sugar and regular bowel movements, both of which promote healthy hormone levels and chances of conception. Raspberries and kiwis are two fiber powerhouses - two kiwis per day (with skin on) has been shown to relieve constipation (2).
  3. 2-3 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil per day. Context is important, use extra virgin olive oil as a primary fat source (not an addition to an already high-fat diet). EVOO is rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, which support hormone production and reduce inflammation, both of which are crucial for egg health. Add it to salads, drizzle over vegetables, or use it in cooking in place of butter/margarine.

For partners with sperm, here is a linked blog post that outlines nutritional strategies for improving sperm quality.

These lifestyle & nutrition tips are great foundational pieces to supporting egg quality, but it’s important to address other obstacles to conception that may be present. We look at sleep, stress, lifestyle, supplementation and comprehensive testing when indicated to optimize your chances of conception, a healthy pregnancy & newborn.

In health,


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Post Author
Lauren Myers
Lauren Myers
Naturopathic Medical Graduate

Lauren is a reproductive health advocate, and strives to empower patients in understanding their health. She believes that patient-centered care is an important piece to healthcare and focuses on building foundational habits that improve your overall health and longevity.

Learn More About Lauren